Dallas is our Lead Pastor and a devoted follower of Jesus Christ and a true man of God.
Lisa is our Children's Ministry Director, and a strong woman of God.
Bill is our Executive Pastor and a strong and dependable man of God. AJ First welcomed him on the team in 2021.
Jon & Nickie are our Youth Leaders and have made a promise to God to stand in the gap with intercession and prayer for America's teens.
David is our Spanish Ministries Pastor and he is so glad to work for the Kingdom of God to reach the Spanish community in AJ.
Mary Jo is our Discipleship Pastor.
Jamie is the Leader of our Women's Ministries.
Leann is our Office Manager and has served since 2016.
Rachel is serving in the Media Ministries department and has a passion to reach the lost through media.
Julia is the Executive Assistant and the Assistant to the Lead Pastor.
Tammy is our Receptionist and Administrative Assistant.
Laura is our Production Director and Choir Director.